Holocaust AoW Impressions: 3/23

Different to any gallery walks previously done, today has definitely been one of the most enlightening. We have viewed topics such as the stories of Holocaust survivors, the lives of former S.S. officers, the establishing of Holocaust Remembrance days, and the manner in which literature has connected to history. This week we have connected both the scientific and the beliefs of survivors. We have also viewed the silver linings in the darkest of time but the tragedy in beauty as well. It may easily be stated that the Holocaust is a genocide that not only had a great impact but continues to have one up until today and continuing on. 

As we discover the horrors of Nazi experiments we are informed of the fact that in certain camps with experiments on babies, "The butt of guns were used to kill babies, with a blow to the head," (Information courtesy of Bela.) Not only this but the "Germans experimented on women to find cures for German soldiers," (from Marisa's AoW.) The Nazis at the time took a scientific interest in those placed in camps, viewing them as guinea pigs that they could experiment on. It was truly something that several would have found to be traumatizing and completely life changing. At times I find a certain difficulty when trying to understand the matter, it's surprising that so much hate and evil could exist at once. To only further my surprise I learned that directly after WWII it was estimated that 7,000 concentration camps/ghettos existed. As of the year 2013, we are aware that 42, 500 camps existed all together, 1,150 of which were Jewish Ghettos. 

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