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The main characters of the story are Florence, James, and Sophia. Florence is cousin to James and his deceased sister Sophia. Florence, in my opinion is a curious young girl. In several parts of the story you find her driven by her curiosity. She is also a very caring person in my opinion, she goes out of her way to help others. James who is around the age of nine or ten in my opinion is a bit more reserved, yet in his own way still adventurous. Sophia is the scary older sister that nobody really seems to enjoy the company of, both she when she was alive and even after her death.
Three questions after reading the book The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall would be, why did Sophia believe that nobody loved her as much as they loved James? Reason being is that the whole conflict of the story revolves around this fact. A second question I have would be, why does Sophia believe the correct answer to the riddle, Here and There and Everywhere, is death? My third question is, why did Sophia believe that she would come back to life if her brother died?
I believe that most interesting part of the story would be the dynamic of Florence and James. From the book you understand that Florence and Sophia are very alike, physically speaking. Yet they have these entirely different attitudes. Due to these facts, I am surprised at how easily James accepted Florence. I thought that he might have been eternally scarred by the fact of what his older sister had done to him.
I really like your blog this week! This seems like in interesting book, and you really explained in full detail. I think that I would really want to meet Florence because she seems like the type of person to always care about you, no matter what. Amazing blog this week! (:
_Isabelle R.