3rd Quarter Reflections

The 3rd Quarter has seemingly passed by rather quickly, in comparison to the 1st and 2nd. It has been during this period of time in which I feel that I have academically grown exponentially. I have seen a progress in my argumentative writing, that I previously could not achieve. My work with argumentative pieces has seen a major improvement and has also been something I am extremely proud of. Personally, I feel that my work with the argumentative piece was a place I struggled in a bit more in comparison to anything else we have done. Throughout my life, I have learned to be accustomed to much more narrative pieces or persuasive. There are truly many more steps and elements that must be taken into consideration when dealing with argumentative work. 

The third quarter has no only been filled with a sense of pride and academic growth, but an underwhelming amount of classic lit as well. For the school year of 2014-2015 it was my goal that I read, rather than 40 books, 15 pieces of classic literature. To this moment, I have managed to read 4 of the 15 I had planned. These books being:

-Lord of the Flies
-Dorian Grey
-Julius Caesar 
-To Kill A Mockingbird
It is my hope that only after purchasing a collection of Shakespeare books I will be able to accomplish my goal and improve as my blogs. I feel that when writing it is a constant progression between content and writing style, and in this year it is my belief that I have advanced on both, and hope to continue to progress. 


  1. What else is on your list? How about...Fahrenheit 451 or anything by John Steinbeck?!

    1. I realized that by the time I had written the blog, several other books I had read were not on my Goodreads. I have yet to read anything by Bradbury, but I have been attempting to get my hand on Steinbeck's /The Pearl./ My updated list would include:
      The Picture of Dorian Gray
      Julius Caesar
      To Kill A Mockingbird
      Lord of the Flies
      Perks of Being a Wallflower
      Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
