TKAM Final Blog

Prompt: TKAM Alternative Point of View (Boo Radley)

Contrary to the common belief of the townspeople of Maycomb County, I was completely aware of the events that taken place in regards to Tom Robinson and the Ewells. My isolation has never left me at the loss of gossip, particularly that of the town scold, Miss Stephanie Crawford. It was moments such as these were I found myself further burrowing myself into my life at home. The people of this town were phased by their hypocritical views. While the people in the area make their call for a greater good, time and time again, they repeatedly commit the most heinous of crimes. 

This year, I had hoped things would be different, seeing as that no more than a year ago, my life had been much more eventful. Halloween had always given an opportunity to all of the young adults and small children to find a way to harass the house in which I lived in. Despite this, I still had my doubts, this being due to the fact my Nathan had mentioned the school was going to have a play. I decided, as always, I would much rather stay home and read a book just as I have been accustomed to for a long time.

As the night drew closer to its end, I heard the yells of children. On any other given Halloween I would simply pass these of as children playing around, but in this case it was not so. The yells were rather familiar and filled with panic and terror. The children, Jem and Scout. I quickly traveled outside to were I thought the screams had originated. At first glance, I found myself in a state of fear, at the scene before me. Mr. Ewell had decided to attack two of the very people who understood me. I quickly took into action and removed Mr. Ewell from Scout as Jem lay nearby. Once I was sure he would not be able to hurt the children or anyone else, ever again, I quickly took Jem to his house to inform his father of the happenings of that night. 

It now seemed that the events that would occur would be endless. As if from the moment Mr. Tate and Dr. Reynolds had come into the household, time had stopped. I could only stand in the corner, silently, as both men performed their jobs. It struck me odd that Scout had yet to notice me, seeing as I was the elephant in the room, the obvious anomaly. Slowly, it seemed that my identity finally dawned on her and she accepted me with open arms, just as many others had failed to do so in my life. After this, the night seemed to blur before me, yet every detail would be remembered. The first words I would utter the child who had seemed to understand me would be to take me back to my home. As she walked with me towards the place I called home, I would remember everything that had ever occurred near the household. I would remember summer in which the child Dill would hold a street pole waiting for what I presumed to be my exit of the household at any time of the day. Summer days in which my greatest joy was to watch the children perform their plays for all and anyone to see. The time during the school year, in which I exited the house, simply and only to leave Jem and Scout their gifts. All of these events which would lead to today. 

For now and forever I was aware that I could rely on the children who had managed to change my habits of isolation. For now and forever they would be considered my children. For now and forever I would remember the first and the last time in which Scout and I would both be aware of one another's presence near each other. For now and forever I would remember, I would remember, how I gave them what little I could and in return they gave me all I needed and more. 


  1. -Jenna

  2. I love your alternate point of view! Great job, Maria!
