Girl Online: Week of 3/9

Pages: 0-190

Quirky, resilient, timid, intelligent
A character in life's story
Lover of photography, the cello, and chiseled cheekbones and twinkly, dimply smiles
Who notices the starfish, archways, and the taste of Cherry Coke
Who feels anxiety, mysterious, apprehensive, and strong 
Who learns how to control fear, how to perfect the Downton Abbey look, and how to eat spaghetti
Who says, "“Sometimes you have to face up to your fears to realize that they aren’t actually real.” 
Who used to think that she had to live to deal with the friends she knew but now knows you outgrow             people
Major character in Girl Online
A book that any teenage girl can be able to connect to

1 comment:

  1. Your poem is very descriptive and I feel like I’ve learned a lot about this character. I like the quote you choose because it is very meaningful. Your last line was a great way to end the poem. Overall, great blog.
