TKAM - Found Poetry

a lady in the moon of Maycomb had never been to any wars
she told us, "just hold your head high"

"perfect," she said
she was going to leave this world
and nobody was all right, it wasn't all right

her fits were some distraction. there was another reason
she was conscious and disapproved heartily
she said she was licked before but began anyway

She had her own views
She was what real courage is
She was the bravest person I ever knew


  1. ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) Very hip blog

  2. poem got me like ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

  3. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
    ha ha nice u got kik

  4. My found poetry is based off of the persona, Mrs. Dubose. When we are introduced to Mrs. Dubose we first view her as the type of person that is rude and mean. In reality she is a women set in her ways, willing to protect all that she has ever believed. We see that her harsh manner was not always out of the intent to reprimand and hurt them, but she was facing her own demons. Mrs. Dubose was in my opinion a very important character, possibly not to the plot of the story, but to the reader as he or she realizes Mrs. Dubose's values.

  5. Great job on your poem! I enjoyed reading it until the every end. I really enjoyed how you had a poem about Mrs. Dubose. Out of the ones I read, you were that only one that focus on her, many focused on Jem, Scout, or Atticus. I think your poem is very well-written and has a cool little pattern in it. Overall, awesome poem!

  6. Whose point of view is this from? Atticus?

    1. The poem is my personal point of view on the type of person Mrs. Dubose was, without the children's commentary. I really wanted to focus on her and include my opinion as I felt that not many may have felt the same way.
