Tuesdays With Morrie: Week of 4/20

The Curriculum- The Second Tuesday
Location 621 of 2081 (29%)

It seems to me that we have  merely taken a glimpse into the life of Mitch and Morrie, and I am already captured by their characters. Without a doubt, the idea of this memoir to some maybe, cheesy, but in fact it's better that one could imagine. When beginning my reading of Tuesdays with Morrie, I was unsure as to what the story would involve and found myself completely unprepared. Despite this, once beginning my reading it seemed that several ideas simply aligned. I truly believe that  Tuesdays with Morrie, is the type of reading that seems to come once in a lifetime that completely changes your thinking. Morrie's aphorisms such as, "“Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do,” has allowed a different thought process when reading his story. I feel that Tuesdays with Morrie is not so much of a reflection of Morrie's life as much as it of ours. We, simply a few pages into the book, have been thrown into a chasm forcing to think of the life we have led. Morrie's story is simply a calling to all people, a reminder, a reminder to enjoy life and to care for others. The elderly man has seem to struck a chord in my heart, as I find him to be rather similar to my own grandfather.

A rather relevant theme throughout Tuesdays with Morrie, seems to be the idea of a death wish and what seems to be a bucket list. Something that we would like to be completed after our death or previous to it. It seems to me that Morrie's would be to give his final course, no longer on sociology, but on the philosophy, something that he seems to major in, without a degree. Morrie, through experience, has focused on the importance of living life to fullest. In my opinion, one of the most easiest manners in which he could keep track of this would be through a bucket list. In honor of Morrie, I would like to share with you my current bucket list:
1) Travel around the world. (To at least three other continents & 15 other countries)
2) Go to at least 10 different concerts, for different bands.
3) Write a book, have it published.
4) Ride a ferris wheel.
5) Ride a ferris wheel, without freaking out after I remember my fear of heights.
6) Get a tattoo.
7) Live in another country, for the minimum of a year.
8) Attend Oxford University for at least a semester.
9) Be on T.V.
10) Write a skit with Jimmy Fallon.
11) Meet Jimmy Fallon.
12) Creating a painting, have it placed in an art museum.
13) Meet Ed Sheeran! 🇬🇧
14) Read the Harry Potter series in spanish.
15) Spend a Christmas in New York City.
16) Inspire someone to follow their dreams.
17) To follow my dreams. Do what I want because I want to. Not let myself become another person in another business suit.
18) Improve the lives of my parents and grandparents, whether that be financially or in any other way.
19) Live a life I won't regret, while being happy.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see you and Jimmy Fallon write a skit together!!:)
