The Book Thief: Week of 12/9/12

Prompt: How does what you are reading contrast with a novel you were assigned to read
in school and didn’t like reading.
List three new vocabulary words from your reading. What can you tell about
them from their structure? What can you tell about them from their context?
List three questions you have about what you read.
Pages Read: 0-69 (Although it seems like little, the pages are rather large, with a rather fine print.)

The Book Thief in several ways contrast The Giver, which we have recently read in class. To me both books have completely different themes and topics. The Book Thief, in my opinion contains a bit more of an understandable view of what living during the late 30's and 40's in Germany would be like. The Giver, since it is science fiction and placed in the future is a bit harder to imagine. I believe another big factor that would lead to the differences of the books would be the fact I myself prefer a World War II, historical fiction book over a science fiction book that was originally written in the 90's.

After the several pages I have read from The Book Thief, I have taken quite a liking to the word choice of the author Markus Zusak. Although several words seem to be complex, they are a great way to enhance ones vocabulary. Most of the words I am learning about are not words but German phrases such as, "dein neues Heim." A personal goal for myself had always been to learn some German, this book had taught me that "dein neues Heim" can be translated to your new home in English.  I also have learned "Na komm, komm" means "come on, come on" in English. The final German phrase I have learned is "verstehst." Verstehst when translated can mean fathom, perceive, and in some cases, understand. Since all of these words are German, I was not able to understand them, but I was able to somewhat guess what they meant when I read them.

Although I have read at least 60 pages, I can still not grasp the concept of The Book Thief, I am left wondering, who narrated prologue? It obviously was not Liesel since she has a different role in the story. How Hans Hubermann, or Papa, affect Liesel and her role in the story? If Liesel is the Book Thief, does that mean the first book she ever stole was, "A Twelve-Step Guide to Grave-Digging Success?"



  1. So I've been wanting to read this book for awhile and I'm hoping to get it for Christmas, but now after reading your blog I just want it more than ever! You're totally right about how big the contrast is with The Book Thief and The Giver. I too, would rather be in 30-40's during World War ll. It's really cool how you've learned some German phrases from reading the book! From playing the video game Sniper Elite I've learned a few phrases but they were just things like, "find him". Great blog!

  2. I commented on:

  3. I have been wanting to read this book before the movie. I obviously did not have time because other books were in line for me to read. Thank you so much for your explicit writing. I love the words you used i wonder how it is pronounced.
